Our family has spent the last few decades volunteering and serving on different BODs for many dog clubs ranging from all-breed Agility Events Committee, Show Committees and Health Committees.
We are AKC Breeders of Merit (produced at least 4 Champions). Our Lagottos are fully health tested with CHIC numbers. They have titles at both ends of their names, but most of all, they are awesome family members.
Our pups are raised in our active home and we follow Puppy Culture.
We are members of the LRCA and support the Lagotto Romagnolo Foundation and the Lagotto Romagnolo Dog Rescue.
We have been blessed with healthy foundation stock with excellent temperament and type from Allegro Lagottos. Era, like her parents and siblings, have CHIC numbers, meaning that they have been tested for Hip Dysplasia, Patellar Luxation, Annual Eye Exams, BFJE (juvenile epilepsy), LSD (Lagotto Storage Disease) and participation in the DNA Repository. They also have their DNA profiled with MyDogDNA or Embark.
Era (Multi CH Allegro's New Era Crescendo RN CGC TKN CHIC) has earned her AKC, UKC and ARBA Champion Titles, including 2016 LRCA Winners Bitch & 2022 LRCA Award of Merit & Best Veteran, ARBA 5x Best in Show, Many UKC Group 1 & 2s and AKC Owner Handled Group 3 & 4! She also has her CGC, Rally Novice, Trick Dog Novice and legs in agility and obedience -- many of her points and legs earned with her human kids on the other end of the lead! Era is mom or Grandma to all Crescendo Lagottos.
Divot (AKC GRCH Crescendo's Fairway Divot CGC TKN CHIC) is our Bred-By Champion & earned her AKC GR CH in 5 shows in 2022! She showed in Juniors with her young owner and has a tiny (3 second) part in the TV show Mighty Underdogs.
Wanda (Crescendo's Tune Into WandaVision CGC VHMP POA) is our 2021 keeper pup who started her show career off with a bang! She earned multiple AKC Group 1 wins as well as IABCA Best Puppy in Show wins.
Our puppies will all have OFA eye exams and be DNA profiled with MyDogDNA or Embark with results recorded with OFA. New owners are encouraged to participate in dog sports and are eligible for conformation and performance rebates!
If you are looking for a beautiful, healthy, smart curly-haired addition to your family, the Lagotto may just be it! This versatile breed is like no other. Our dogs love children and crave human companionship. They get along with other pets and are highly trainable (and manipulative). They aren't perfect, their non-shedding coat requires grooming and tends to attract dust and dirt. They also love to dig and get wet and dirty - They are known as the Truffle Dog or Italian Water Dog. They require training … lots of it … to keep their mind active and keep them out of trouble. They do make excellent 30 pound cuddle buddies and give the best hugs. This breed loves affection and as much as we try to train "Four on the Floor," the Lagotto insists on greeting their favorite people by standing on their hind legs -- just look at the lagotto statue on the LRCA National Specialty Trophy.
Lagotto Romagnolo Club of America
Lagotto Romagnolo Foundation
Lagotto Romagnolo Dog Rescue
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
https://www.ofa.org/about/chic-program (Allegro's New Era Crescendo)
My Dog DNA
Puppy Culture
American Kennel Club
Tempe, Arizona, United States
Jim & Amy Dickey 602-686-8215 amydickey2@gmail.com