A few years ago, a litter of 7 Dogo Argentino puppies were prematurely born to a breeder who lived about an hour away from us. The 7 puppies were almost a week early and their mother was under duress and rejected the puppies. Their breeder tried to save the litter and reassure their mom, but it didn't work. The other 5 pups passed away & they ended up losing the mom as well. Thats when we got the call.
Era's last litter (Star Wars puppies) was 8 weeks old and we offered her as a surrogate mom -- and it worked! The 6.9 and 9 oz dogo pups arrived when they were 10 hours old and Era immediately took to them and they became "hers." We called these boys "Lucky" and "Patch".
Dogo pups are typically 18-24 oz at birth. The parents of these pups are 98 and 108 lbs! Our Star Wars pups were 10-12 oz at birth! Our lagotto parents are both about 32 lbs.
We did have to supplement the dogo pups since they were growing so fast & Era couldn't keep up. But, Era continued to do what she could, and these boys grew up very loved.
Lagottos opened their eyes around 15 days, Dogos at 10 days! Lagottos got teeth between 4-5 weeks, Dogos at 2 weeks! Lagottos were about 8 lbs at 8 weeks, the Dogos 15 & 20 lbs!
The Dogo pups come from a long line of Champions. As of 2021 the dogos can compete at the Westminster Club Dog Show for the first time. It has been a dream of mine since the 90s to have one of my Dogos go all the way to Westminster. Lets see if one of these miracle boys can make that dream come true.
Dogo Argentino puppies raised with Lagotto Romagnolo foster mom