Although we raise our puppies with Puppy Culture and we set them up for greatness. They are still puppies. They will make mistakes, but the foundation will be there to build off of. Schedules and training need to start on day one. We rarely tell our puppies "no." Instead, we tell them what to do. If they jump up, we say "off" and then reward that behavior. If they have a forbidden object in their mouth, we tell them to "bring it" or "what do you have" and then reward that behavior. A puppy is a BIG commitment and lifestyle change. The entire family needs to be invested and involved.
I call them the "Peppa Pig" of the Dog World. If a Lagotto sees a muddy puddle, they want to get in it! They love water and love playing in sprinklers, swimming, splashing & then rolling in dirt, grass and debris. Their coat is like a mop and will attract and hold more dirt than you can imagine. They are FUN dogs who LOVE getting dirty.
Lagottos BARK! They will let you know that someone is at the door & then keep telling you about it until the visitor comes inside. Once inside, they are happy to have company and will quite down.
The lagotto will also alert bark to let you know that the neighbors have company, that there is a cat on the fence, even to let you know the vacuum is in a new place.
Lagottos are sensitive on multiple levels. They have a very low pain tolerance, plus their "feelings" get hurt easily. They want to be teammates with their family & they get upset when their family gets upset with them.
Its up to you to continue to set them up for greatness. TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN -- POSITIVE TRAINING.
In the right home, the intelligent Lagotto will thrive. They love to be taught and will eagerly learn whatever you put effort into teaching them. If you do not train, or don't know how to, or become lazy, you will end up with an intelligent bored Lagotto who will try to come up with their own games ... removing baseboards, pulling up carpet, looking for truffles in the couch, barking, etc. Lagottos who do not have schedules and who do not know who is in charge tend to have hyper activity and the inability to relax. Lagottos need a consistent and predictable leader. They are the BEST dogs when trained right the first time. Don't set your puppy up to fail.
We start our puppies off on Puppy Culture. They learn to communicate and overcome challenges. They leave our home with confidence and trust. They will be the BEST puppies ever ... if allowed to be ... meaning time, effort, training, understanding. We are HUGE advocates of early training, thus the reason we offer so many rebates. Don't ruin your puppy.
The little-known Lagotto has recently received some attention as an "alternative" to the popular poodle mixes. This is NOT a good thing, as the Lagotto is often NOT the right dog for someone who just wants a cute non-shedding dog.
The Lagotto was bred to be a working dog - the breed has only been used as a "pet" for less than 100 years. They have 400+ years of genetic history behind them that puts working qualities above "pet" qualities. Poodles, Shih-Tzus, Tibetan Terriers and some other non-shedding purebreds may actually be a better fit for most pet-homes. And ... being a pure-bred enthusiast, its hard ... but ... for some families, the Poodle-mixes are a better fit than a Lagotto.
We insist on our puppy families meeting at least 2 adult Lagottos before committing to a puppy. This is a big decision and as much as you don't want unmet expectations, neither do we.
We are open to "meet and greets" if in the Tempe, AZ area and would like to meet our Lagottos.
PS - Lagotto Romagnolo is pronounced "La-Goat-Tow Roman-Yo-Low"