Regardless of where you get your puppy from, make educated decisions. Confirm that the parents are health tested on OFA's website (at the top of the home page you can enter the registered name of the dog - or, you can search the entire database). Just because I have the breeder listed, doesn't mean they are good.
At the top of the "Find a Dog" option on the Lagotto Romagnolo Foundation page listed below, enter the dog name or kennel name in the search field to see if they are listed.
The Lagotto Romagnolo Club of America (LRCA) also has a breeder listing - click on the link below:
You can set up a FREE account on AKC's page and then look up points and progression for FREE on the bottom right hand corner of the screen - click the link below
I had a list of about 25 breeders listed alphabetically by state and kennel name w/links. Shortly after publishing the list I was contacted by several concerned people that I had some "breeders" listed who do not practice ethical breeding standards. Some are believed to be breeding unhealthy breeding dogs and not offering support to their puppy buyers. I hate this, as I like to see the good in everyone. To prevent unnecessary heartache, I've decided to reduce my list to people I have personally met. I'm sure I have removed both good and bad from my original list.
A Lagotto puppy is up to a 15 year commitment. Choose the appropriate dog for you. Ask lots of questions and choose a breeder you feel comfortable with. Good Breeders want the best for their puppies & they health test the parents and puppies.